

To install the Case Study go to Theme Options → Design → Import

Show manual install instructions

Step 1 – Install React to a clean WordPress install and activate the React Child theme

You should start with a clean installation of WordPress to ensure there are no issues during the rest of this process. You can use the WordPress Reset plugin to delete all content and reset your site to a clean install.

If you haven’t already – purchase React and install it on your site. Install and activate the React Child theme.

Step 2 – Import the demo content

Download the React Replika XML export file and save it to your computer. In your WordPress install go to Tools → Import and click WordPress. Install the WordPress Importer plugin when asked. Once installed click Activate Plugin & Run Importer then choose the React Replika XML export file you just downloaded and make sure to tick the box Download and import file attachments. It may take a few minutes to download the attachments so it’s a good time to grab a cup of tea!

Step 3 – Import the theme options

Click the toggle below to show the theme options data and copy this (Ctrl + C) then in your WordPress install go to Appearance → Theme Options → Advanced → Import and paste the text into the box, then click Import.

Step 4 – Activate Quform and import the forms

Install and activate the Quform plugin included with the React theme download. This Case Study has 2 forms. For each of the forms in the toggles below, copy the import data (Ctrl + C) and paste it into the Import box at Quform → Import on the WordPress menu.

Quick Contact Form

Job Application

Footer form

Step 5 – Tidying up

Set a static front page

Go to Settings → Reading on the WordPress menu. set Front page displays: A static page, choose Front page: Home.

Set the correct menu locations

Go to Appearance → Menus on the WordPress menu and click Manage Locations. Set Primary Menu to Primary then Save Changes.

General settings

Go to Settings → General on the WordPress menu and enter the site Tagline, choose your local Timezone and set the Site Language.

Configure permalinks

Go to Settings → Permalinks on the WordPress menu and configure Permalinks the way you like. We usually choose the Custom Structure below to have page slugs without the trailing slash.


You’re done!

Congratulations, you are now ready to customize your new site


Change the Skin for this Case Study
