React WP

An exceptionally adaptable WordPress theme

Let’s Explore

React is a practical solution for any WordPress project, a carefully crafted creative tool for any modern & clean responsive website – Packed with the best code from web

Elite ThemeForest Author

ThemeCatcher has sold over 45,000 items on the marketplace. We’re dedicated to maintaining and improving our products & services

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Layout & design

The Options include a dedicated design section where you can modify the layout, color and design of your website. Its clever features and pixel perfect accuracy is worth checking out

All the tools

We’ve integrated or supported some of the best free and premium code on the web to combine with React’s powerful options. Everything you need is available at your fingertips

Your favorite theme

React can be used by designers as a responsive WordPress framework to create your very own concepts. Design and build with WordPress faster than ever

All features:

Performance optimized
Extremely customizable
Typography control
Menu styles
Intuitive & easy to use
100s of options
Easily add CSS
Fully responsive
Go Portfolio included
Fullscreen media
Audio support
Youtube & Vimeo support
4 page templates
Drag & drop forms
5 star support
Premium quality code

View all features

Many Portfolio options
Page coder
Many Header layouts
Online documentation
Twitter feed widget
Compress & Minify files
Multi-site supported
Right-to-left supported
Revolution Slider
You’ll save over $100
Built with CSS3
Import / Export
WooCommerce support
One click install
Elite Author
Designed with Love

Features overview

React has hundreds of options and loads of shortcodes, you’ll have a sleek & practical website to be proud of
Includes options to optimize performance

Minify & Combine CSS + JS Compatible with W3 Total Cache

Translated in French, Spanish & Italian

King of layouts

React specializes in responsive layouts. It can be modified into the proportions for your design – that’s what makes React a professional’s choice
  • Fluid Framework
  • Responsive options
  • 4 base layouts
  • Many navigation options
  • Header & footer layouts
  • Unlimited possibilities
Check out some of these layout possibilities

Professional pages

React demos are built using the React Shortcode Editor. Without the lag of a drag and drop builder, the new shortcode editor has modernised the old school code based page builder.
Now you can quickly code, and modify a page using shortcodes and HTML like a pro!
  • Advanced code editor
  • Responsive preview
  • Auto predictive as you type
  • Modify with code generator
Build pages
Pro shortcode editor
Visual Composer also included for free
We’ve prepared example content – easily copy any page to your website
Crazy about color
Use the color section of React to modify any of the colors in your theme. React’s color structure means that your website is consistent & easier to modify.

Color Palettes

Create unlimited Color Palettes that can be applied to sections of your website to switch the colors

Color schemes

We’ve prepared some professional Color Schemes. Flick between 22 of them to find your favorite

Light / Dark / Primary

As a guide and for consistency, all elements are designed using React’s three color system

Smart Color picker

React will save all your theme colors so they are always accessible when you need to use them

Color calculation

React is built with pure CSS, so it can calculate & apply the finer color details for you

Find and replace

You’ve loaded a Color Scheme but want to adjust the Red to Blue? No problem, use this tool

What’s in the box?

Check out what’s included inside this great value theme. React has it covered, from easy web forms to selling online

You’ll save over


WooCommerce – Compatible
Rev Slider$109
WPML – Compatible
Visual Composer$49


Change the Skin for this Case Study
